Keep Your New Puppy and Kitten Healthy and Happy by Taking These 4 Steps

Welcoming a new puppy or kitten into your family is an exciting time, and the team at Mayfair Animal Hospital wants to ensure your new furry family members receive all the love and care they need during this joyful and important period of mental and physical development.Keep your new pet healthy and safe

  1. PET LICENSE – Obtaining a license for your pet ensures he or she is easily identified. And most municipalities require pet licenses at the time of a first rabies vaccination.
  2. CORE VACCINES – Remember, the natural immunities passed to a young animal by its mother last only a few weeks. A series of vaccinations will continue to protect against disease, helping your new pet grow to a happy and healthy adult. Veterinarians recommend puppy and kitten immunizations start at 6 to 8 weeks of age.
  3. WELLNESS – One of the best ways to keep your new pet in top health is with regular check-ups and regular routines. This sets the foundation to keep you pet happy and healthy. At Mayfair Animal Hospital, our veterinarians work together with pet owners to create a plan which includes nutrition, behavior, exercise, and all the best tips for a healthy lifestyle for your pet. Learn more about our wellness options here.
  4. SOCIALIZING YOUR PET– Every household member is encouraged to spend quality time with their new furry friends playing, feeding, and grooming. Many sounds and activities in a new home can be distracting doorbells, a mail carrier, the TV and noises from cell phones. Give your new a chance to become familiar with them. It’s also important to help them understand being alone. Teach them to accept time in a crate or gated area by taking a walk, or being in another room, without them.

We are always available to answer your pet ownership questions, about care, feeding, housebreaking, socialization and more. Please call us at (919) 467-6146.

Thinking of Getting a New Pet? Consider speaking to any of our wonderful local rescue organizations and animal shelters.

Please share this with your friends who have new furry friends at home!

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